Thursday 4 April 2013

1. Equipment List


For the Interview parts of my consolidation module I shall be using very specific equipment to get the best results.
I shall be using two different microphone set ups each designed for a specific purpose.
Firstly I shall be booking out a Sennheiser ME67 this is a shotgun microphone that is perfect for capturing audio across great distances the reason for using this is that I shall be able to get a deeper wild track as the microphone will pick up sound within a certain radius and therefore give more depth to the interviews.

I shall also be booking out a Sony radio microphone pack URX-P1; this is mainly for the interviews themselves and will cancel out most of the background noise due to its close proximity with the subject. As the camera that will be used for the interview is a Sony Z1, these radio mics are a prefect addition to this kit.
By using these two microphone set ups I hope to achieve a layered depth to the audio, I intend to place the audio captured from the radio mics on top of the audio captured by the shotgun microphone. 


As the ME67 is housed within a blimp windshield and as the microphone itself is lengthy I have chosen to use a short fish pole as a support for this rather than a longer one, this is because as all the weight from the microphone is at one end and therefore the longer the pole the heavier the equipment and as I am both sound recordist and boom operator this would appear to be the most sensible option for this project.

Solid state Recorders

The recorder I have chosen the Zoom H4N shall be a familiar piece of equipment as I have used it many times before for other projects over the last two years, however I have also chosen a back up recorder the Marantz PMD660. The reason for this is the opposite of why I chose the Zoom H4N I have never used this equipment before and as this is the last project I will be doing at this college before going on to the next one I feel it is important to have a broad knowledge of the equipment you are using as it will be beneficial if I am not in control of the equipment hire for future works.

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